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October 2024

Journal of Environmental Health Volume 87, Number 3 View the IssueAbout the Cover Preparing and serving allergen-free meals continues to be challenging for food service establishments. This month’s cover article assessed current food allergy po...

September 2023

Journal of Environmental Health Volume 86, Number 2 View This IssueArticles A Collaborative Approach to National Food Code AdoptionFederal Meat and Poultry Inspection Duties and Requirements—Part 4: Food Defense, Product Sampling, Rules of Pract...

FDA Manufacturing Courses

These courses are currently only available to food safety regulatory professionals employed with a government agency. Please review course pre-requisites prior to applying.FD202: Conducting Acidified Food InspectionsThis course is designed for F...

NEARS Success Stories

We surveyed CDC NEARS participants about their experiences with this program. See what they had to say:"This is one of the most educational trainings out there. You learn from case studies and from field examples, and the level of connection wit...

Second Annual World Food Day

Date posted: Monday, June 29, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDIn the midst of COVID-19, enforcing social distancing, and attempts to reopen the economy, we neglected to celebrate June 7, 2020, as the 2nd Annual World Food Day, sponsored by the...

5 Checks for Safe Food Delivery

This document, "5 Checks for Safe Food Delivery", has been designed to provide best practice recommendations for safe food delivery to delivery persons working with third-party delivery services. This document is intended to provide very brief ...

A Systems-Based Food Safety Evaluation: An Experimental Approach

Article outlines the systems-based approach used for evaluating food safety practices.Go to Tool Approximate Length: 6 pageRequirements: NoneCost: FreeFormat: Journal ArticleHosting Body: National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)Host...

Bad Bug Book (2nd Edition)

Handbook of foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. In depth handbook provides detailed information each foodborne agent including disease frequency, sources, at risk populations, transmission, trends, etc.Go to ToolApproximate L...

Bulk Stool Specimen Collection

One-page step-by-step instruction handout to provide individuals who are giving a bulk stool specimen.Approximate length: 1 pageRequirements: None FreeGo to ToolHandoutIntegrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence (CoE)Colorado CoE...

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Resources

During power outages after hurricanes/typhoons, major flooding or other extreme weather events, residents can be at risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning if portable generators are not properly used. CO is an odorless and colorless gas that can...

Cultural Food Safety App

Downloadable free application providing information on food preparation, handling practices, and considerations for cultural foods organized by region, faith, and processes.Apple Store Google Play Cultural Foods Safety App from the Tennessee Int...

Cultural Food Safety iOS App

Downloadable free application providing information on food preparation, handling practices, and considerations for cultural foods organized by region, faith, and processes.Cultural Foods Safety App from the Tennessee Integrated Food Safety Cent...

Declaration on Food Safety and National Food Safety Education Month, September 2020

Publication Date: September 2020We support National Food Safety Education Month and are dedicated to reducing the burden of disease caused by foodborne illness and supporting food safety education through training, credentialing, and partnership...

Enacted State Food Legislation

Date posted: Thursday, September 23, 2021Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDState legislatures introduced several hundred bills related to food during the 2021 legislative sessions. Almost every state introduced legislation regarding food. From food ...

Environmental Assessment Interviewing Skills

As part of the Colorado Environmental Assessment Quick Train series, this module highlights laboratory and non-laboratory techniques for identifying causative agents, types of specimens, and important considerations for the collection and submis...

Environmental Assessments & Training

The CDC's environmental assessments are an important part of addressing foodborne illness by helping to:identify the underlying environmental causes of foodborne illness outbreaksrecommend steps to stop outbreaks and prevent future onesEnvironme...

Environmental Health Support in the U.S. Virgin Islands

The USVI Environmental Health Services project consists of six two-week long workforce and food safety trainings. In February, NEHA conducted the first two-week training with the USVI Department of Health, Environmental Health division.The proje...

FD204 Temporary Food Establishments Course

Course OverviewThis free, four-day, virtual course prepares participants to effectively conduct:An application reviewA menu reviewAn inspection of a temporary food establishment (TFE) and institute corrective actionsThe course also focuses on:Pr...

FD207 Plan Review Course

Course OverviewThis free, five-day, virtual course provides a comprehensive overview of the plan review process for retail food establishments based on menu and food preparation procedures with an end goal of reducing foodborne illnesses resulti...

Food Safety Education Month

Each September, we celebrate National Food Safety Education Month by highlighting the tools and resources we offer around food safety education, and recognizing our members who work diligently to maintain safe food across the country. Our food s...

Foodborne Illness: What Problem?

Video for novice outbreak investigation team members highlighting the burden of foodborne illness, introduction to the changing food industry, and impacts on public health.Go to TrainingApproximate length: 11 minutesRequirements: NoneCost: FreeF...

Foodborne Pathogen Webinar Series

Get back to basics during Food Safety Education Month. During this 4-part webinar series, subject matter experts shared their expertise on foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Vibrio, Cyclospora, and norovirus. Don't miss this opportunity to div...

Guidelines for Specimen Collection

Quick reference table describing basic guidelines for when to collect, how to collect, collection methods, storage, and transportation of clinical specimens (bulk stool, blood, vomitus, rectal swabs, etc) organized by potential agent.Go to ToolA...

IAFP Procedures to Investigate Foodborne Illness Forms

Online PDF packet of IAFP forms and example templates to be used during foodborne and waterborne illness outbreak investigations. The IAFP forms are taken directly from the IAFP Procedures to Investigate Foodborne Illness guidebook.Go to Tool&nb...

Introduction to Food Security Awareness

Course handbook provides instruction for increasing awareness of the threat of intentional contamination and reducing the risk of intentional contamination in the US food supply, with a focus on prevention rather than reaction.Go to ToolApproxim...

Laws to Exempt Retail Foods From State Oversight Are on the Rise

Date posted: Thursday, March 4, 2021Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDNEHA has been able to identify 41 bills in 24 states in the 2021–2022 state legislative session that relate to cottage foods (i.e., bills the relax or eliminate food safety requir...

Pathogen Quick Guide

Short reference guide table categorizing foodborne and enteric pathogens by type. Also includes information on incubation, duration, symptoms, commonly associated foods, and vulnerable groups.Go to Tool Approximate length: 2 pagesRequiremen...

Preventing Foodborne Illness: Talking to Patients About Food Safety

Food Safety and Nutrition Resources for Healthcare ProfessionalsThe Food and Drug Administration and American Medical Association partnered to develop medical education resources about important health topics related to food safety.YoutubeUS FDA...

State Food Safety Legislation Enacted in August 2020

Date posted: Wednesday, September 2, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDThe National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) identified 223 bills that were introduced in 30 states and Washington, DC, related to food, food safety, retail food, and...

The Food Freedom Movement: Laws in Maine, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming

Date posted: Monday, August 17, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDCottage food laws permit the sale of small production foods without the burdens of fully licensed retail foods. Food freedom laws seek to eliminate those minimal restrictions and ...

Disaster Assessment, Response and Recovery Checklist

This checklist is used to assess the impact of a disaster on retail food establishments, items to review for food product evaluation response, and other recovery activities. Disaster Response and Recovery for: General disasters Fire Power...

Disaster Guide - Reopening a Retail Food Establishment

This document provides guidance for retail food service establishments that are resuming business in the aftermath of natural or other disasters. This guide provides educational resources on food safety after disasters. It includes: An all ha...

Retail Food Establishment Checklist for Floods

This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a flood in the facility. Recommended for emergency environmental public health practitioners working at the s...

Post-Fire Inspection Checklist for Retail Food Establishments

This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a fire in the facility. Disaster Report checklist for: Building structure Water Service Power Outage Equipment ...