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May 2020

Journal of Environmental Health Volume 82, Number 9 View the IssueAbout the Cover The World Health Organization declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) is cl...

September 2015

Journal of Environmental Health Volume 78, No. 2 View the IssueAbout the Cover In the Building Capacity column in this issue, “Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments,” Darryl Booth discusses the importance of a consiste...

A Guide to Operating Public Shelters in a Radiation Emergency

This guide has been developed to assist with planning and response efforts related to shelter operations in a radiation emergency. The guide provides information and guidance about: Screening for radioactive contamination Decontamination Rad...

Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters

Environmental public health (EPH) professionals play a key role in protecting the health and living environment of occupants of disaster shelters by conducting pre-occupancy and post-event assessments of these facilities. This health assessment ...

COVID-19 Best Practice Information: Continuity of Operations

This is a FEMA resource of key findings and considerations on infrastructure maintenance and services for communities during a pandemic and contains:Key ConsiderationsLessons LearnedInfrastructure ConsiderationsRecommendations for Local Governme...

Retail Food Establishment Checklist for Floods

This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a flood in the facility. Recommended for emergency environmental public health practitioners working at the s...

Inspector Checklist Boil Water Order

This checklist is for inspectors to use when evaluating if a food establishment may operate during a boil water order. Recommended for environmental public health and public health professionals working with food establishments to determine th...

Underground Storage Tank Flood Guide

This document is a resource for underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators to help manage an UST before, during, and after a flooding event. The guide includes information on: Types of flooding Effects of flooding on UST systems Plan...

Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters During COVID-19

This CDC guidance and set of checklists is designed for emergency management planning and includes:Identifying the assessing agencyFacility detailsOccupant processingServices the facility providesArea to note immediate needsRecommended for emerg...

January/February 2015

Journal of Environmental Health Volume 77, No. 6 View the IssueAbout the Cover Given the popularity of buying vintage toys on the internet, the authors of this issue’s cover article, “Hazardous Metals in Vintage Plastic Toys Measured by a Handhe...