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12 search results

Environmental Public Health Disaster Readiness & Resilience Training

This comprehensive program equips environmental public health professionals with the critical skills needed to protect and promote health before, during, and following a disaster. ModulesThe training workshops include three comprehensive modules...

A Guide to Operating Public Shelters in a Radiation Emergency

This guide has been developed to assist with planning and response efforts related to shelter operations in a radiation emergency. The guide provides information and guidance about: Screening for radioactive contamination Decontamination Rad...

Disaster Assessment, Response and Recovery Checklist

This checklist is used to assess the impact of a disaster on retail food establishments, items to review for food product evaluation response, and other recovery activities. Disaster Response and Recovery for: General disasters Fire Power...

Disaster Impact Assessment Form

This form is used to report the impacts of the disaster on the local jurisdiction. General Information Assessment section for impacted areas Area to record impacted individuals Recommended for emergency environmental public health practit...

Dual Disaster Handbook – Flooding

This is a comprehensive handbook to help local officials and emergency managers address dual disaster scenarios during the COVID-19 pandemic. This handbook contains: Recommendations for Local Leaders Flood Response During COVID-19 Checklis...

Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters

Environmental public health (EPH) professionals play a key role in protecting the health and living environment of occupants of disaster shelters by conducting pre-occupancy and post-event assessments of these facilities. This health assessment ...

EPA Suggested Questions for Water and Wastewater Utilities - Damage Assessment Form

This form template can be used to assess damage to a water and wastewater system.Damage Assessment FormRecommended for environmental public health professionals who are performing assessments on water and wastewater facilities.Download Form...

Guidance for Field Staff During COVID-19

This resource is a guide to educate environmental public health professionals and public health officials on safety measures to reduce exposure to COVID-19 and contains points on: Assess the Risk Social Distancing Disinfection Handy H...

Guidance for General Population Disaster Shelters COVID-19

This resource assesses best practices for the general population to use during emergency shelters during COVID-19 pandemic and contains:Opening disaster sheltersShelter prioritizationShelter health staffRecommended for local officials to underst...

Environmental Health Rapid Needs Assessment for Floods in the Caribbean

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) works to improve the health and quality of life of their populations in the countries of the Americas. PAHO developed an Environmental Health Rapid Needs Assessment (ENRNA) tool as a basic operational ...

Safety in Emergency Shelters in Low Resource, Non-U.S. Settings

This document offers resources on emergency sheltering during the COVID-19 pandemic in non-U.S. settings and contains:Recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during evacuation shelteringEmergency Shelter Information ResponseRecommended...

Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters During COVID-19

This CDC guidance and set of checklists is designed for emergency management planning and includes:Identifying the assessing agencyFacility detailsOccupant processingServices the facility providesArea to note immediate needsRecommended for emerg...