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9 search results
A Guide to Operating Public Shelters in a Radiation Emergency
This guide has been developed to assist with planning and response efforts related to shelter operations in a radiation emergency. The guide provides information and guidance about: Screening for radioactive contamination Decontamination Rad...
Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters
Environmental public health (EPH) professionals play a key role in protecting the health and living environment of occupants of disaster shelters by conducting pre-occupancy and post-event assessments of these facilities. This health assessment ...
Retail Food Establishment Checklist for Floods
This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a flood in the facility. Recommended for emergency environmental public health practitioners working at the s...
Inspector Checklist Boil Water Order
This checklist is for inspectors to use when evaluating if a food establishment may operate during a boil water order. Recommended for environmental public health and public health professionals working with food establishments to determine th...
Underground Storage Tank Flood Guide
This document is a resource for underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators to help manage an UST before, during, and after a flooding event. The guide includes information on: Types of flooding Effects of flooding on UST systems Plan...
Responding to Simultaneous Crises: Communications and Social Norms of Mask Behavior During Wildfires and COVID-19
This article looks into the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential for co-occurring wildfires and the health risks that they pose. While there are behaviors that can be implemented to reduce the negative impacts, government agencies and public heal...
Compound Risks of Hurricane Evacuation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
This article models how a hurricane evacuation from four different counties in a state would impact COVID-19 case levels. The number of COVID-19 cases produced by the evacuation is influenced by the ability of destination counties meeting the ne...
When Emergencies and Disasters Collide
This article details the interaction between the responses to both the COVID-19 pandemic and the Magna earthquake in Utah. COVID-19 may have limited injuries or the loss of life during the earthquake, and it also enabled an early activation of t...
Environmental Health Assessment Guide and Form for Disaster Shelters During COVID-19
This CDC guidance and set of checklists is designed for emergency management planning and includes:Identifying the assessing agencyFacility detailsOccupant processingServices the facility providesArea to note immediate needsRecommended for emerg...