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30 search results
Second Annual World Food Day
Date posted: Monday, June 29, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDIn the midst of COVID-19, enforcing social distancing, and attempts to reopen the economy, we neglected to celebrate June 7, 2020, as the 2nd Annual World Food Day, sponsored by the...
Congress and Congressional Appropriations in the Final Weeks
Date posted: Tuesday, September 22, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDThe new fiscal year begins on October 1 and the Senate has yet to vote—even at the subcommittee or committee level—on any of the 12 regular appropriations bills. Over in the H...
Environmental Health Holds the Keys to Public Health's Future
Date posted: Friday, June 5, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDOne of the foremost paradigm changes that has occurred in public policy in the past 10 years is the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Aff...
Fiscal Year 2021 Budget
Date posted: Monday, December 28, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDOn Monday, December 21, the House and Senate Appropriators came to an agreement regarding the fiscal year (FY) 2021 federal budget. Congress released the omnibus appropriations ...
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Is October 25–31, 2020
Date posted: Thursday, October 22, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDThe federal government has fought the scourge of lead poisoning since before the passage of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. The government began ...
NEHA Advocates for the Environmental Health Profession to the United Nations
Date posted: Thursday, June 18, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDRecently, NEHA Executive Director Dr. David Dyjack co-wrote a letter to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) regarding their Science and Technology for DR...
Public Health Authorities in the Time of COVID-19
Date posted: Monday, August 3, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDNEHA received a question from a long-time member regarding the legal authorities to manage COVID-19. What are these authorities based on? How long do they last? What measures can b...
State Food Safety Legislation Enacted in August 2020
Date posted: Wednesday, September 2, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDThe National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) identified 223 bills that were introduced in 30 states and Washington, DC, related to food, food safety, retail food, and...
The Beginning of the End of Election Season
Date posted: Monday, November 9, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDIn 2020, Election Day officially became Election Season.As I write this, Joe Biden will be our next president. We are still unsure who will control the Senate.But most results ar...
The Beginning of the Next Administration
Date posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDWith Election Day signaling the end of election season, December is time to review who is set to fill which positions.Just to bring everyone up-to-date, Joe Biden will be our n...
The Food Freedom Movement: Laws in Maine, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming
Date posted: Monday, August 17, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDCottage food laws permit the sale of small production foods without the burdens of fully licensed retail foods. Food freedom laws seek to eliminate those minimal restrictions and ...
U.S. House of Representatives Adopt Budgets for FY 2021
Date posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2020Blog poster: Doug Farquhar, JDThe U.S. Congress House Appropriations Committee dictates much of federal spending. The 12 House Appropriations Subcommittees finalized their FY 2021 spending bills for the full Ap...
What Earth Day Means to Me
Date posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2020Blog poster: Maddie GustafsonNEHA has planned a social media campaign to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We want to hear from members, affiliates, staff, and all environmental health professi...
A Community Case Study on Geographic, Environmental, and Social Health Disparities in COVID-19 Disease
This article examines the socioeconomic, geographic, and environmental vulnerabilities within a rural area. The article reviews that rural areas are particularly susceptible to the continuum of expected COVID-19 disease and related outcomes. Rur...
A Multi-Hazards Earth Science Perspective on the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Potential for Concurrent and Cascading Crises
This article explores an epidemic model with a concurrent disaster event, which predicts a greater infection rate following the events during the pre-infection rate peaks period compared with post peak events. This highlights the need for enacti...
An Eye on COVID: Hurricane Preparedness at a COVID-19 Alternative Care Site
This article shares the process of establishing a Medical Monitoring Station (MMS) in downtown New Orleans to maximize patient safety and continuity of operations during a real-world event. In 2020, the state of Louisiana activated the MMS that ...
Cascading Risks of COVID-19 Resurgence During an Active 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season
This article reviews risks of hurricanes to coastal states during the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting the population from hurricane hazards revolves around evacuation and sheltering individuals. However, e...
Responding to Simultaneous Crises: Communications and Social Norms of Mask Behavior During Wildfires and COVID-19
This article looks into the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential for co-occurring wildfires and the health risks that they pose. While there are behaviors that can be implemented to reduce the negative impacts, government agencies and public heal...
Compound Risks of Hurricane Evacuation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
This article models how a hurricane evacuation from four different counties in a state would impact COVID-19 case levels. The number of COVID-19 cases produced by the evacuation is influenced by the ability of destination counties meeting the ne...
Concurrent Threats and Disasters: Modeling and Managing Risk and Resilience
This article provides a literature review of how policymakers were prompted to reassess operations and management strategies that support society’s critical functions like infrastructure, healthcare services, supply chains, and emergency respons...
COVID-19 Crisis Communications: The Challenge for Environmental Organizations
This article examines the ways environmental organizations amended their crisis communications to underscore their relevance to crises and their role in problem-solving. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. environmental organizations...
Maintaining Critical Infrastructure Resilience to Natural Hazards During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article describes alternative approaches that an energy organization can take to prepare for a concurrent disaster. Maintaining strong infrastructure during a natural disaster during COVID-19 is challenging and has the potential to disrupt ...
Mitigating the Twin Threats of Climate-Driven Atlantic Hurricanes and COVID-19 Transmission
This article looks at the co-occurrence of the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season and the COVID-19 pandemic and how together they create a complex dilemma for protecting populations from the intersecting threats. This resource answers the questions ...
Navigating the Wildfire-Pandemic Interface
This article provides preliminary data that suggests the current challenges around collective action to address wildfire risk may be further exacerbated due to COVID-19, and that the pandemic has potentially widened existing disparities in house...
Potential Impact of Earthquakes During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
This article analyzes the potential impact that seismic events may have on the infection rate within regions afflicted by both epidemics and earthquakes. It also explores open software packages that can be employed to simulate the impact of futu...
Caring for the Forgotten Children: Rebuilding Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria, Earthquakes, and COVID-19
This article focuses on mental health resiliency within child and adolescent groups as well as the general community members. Communities have vulnerabilities that are often displayed when being impacted by disasters and it is important to learn...
Tangible Tabletops and Dual Reality for Crisis Management
This article reviews a study between tangible and tactile interactions. The study consisted of 32 participants remotely displacing robots and exploring a simulated disaster area. This study includes: Difference between two interaction technique...
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Wildfire Smoke
This article identifies the potential for dangerous interactions between COVID-19 and smoke pollution This resource includes: Strategies to manage the combination of public health threats Recommended for environmental and public health officia...
The United States COVID-19 Pandemic in the Flood Season
This article outlines a tool that assesses the compound risk of COVID-19 at the county level. The article found that the number of flood insurance house claims can proxy the displaced population accurately with more spatiotemporal detail, and th...
When Emergencies and Disasters Collide
This article details the interaction between the responses to both the COVID-19 pandemic and the Magna earthquake in Utah. COVID-19 may have limited injuries or the loss of life during the earthquake, and it also enabled an early activation of t...