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5 search results

Bad Bug Book (2nd Edition)

Handbook of foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. In depth handbook provides detailed information each foodborne agent including disease frequency, sources, at risk populations, transmission, trends, etc.Go to ToolApproximate L...

Chemical Emergencies

This resource listing is from the ATSDR chemical emergency website provides a list of information and resources for multiple audiences related to how to prepare and respond to chemical emergencies. This resource includes: What to do in a chemic...

COVID-19 Working Groups for Public Health and Social Sciences Research

This webpage shares the resource list of the Natural Hazard’s Center COVID-19 Working Groups for Public Health and Social Sciences. The working groups focus on a variety of issues and advancements in methods, ethics, and empirical topics related...

Environmental Health and COVID-19 Resource Library

This webpage shares resources that address the needs of environmental public health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes resources on: Disinfecting a facility COVID-19 and early childhood K-12 education and COVID-19 Recommended f...

Radiation Emergencies

This is a resource list from CDC's NCEH radiation emergency website and provides information on what to do during a radiological or nuclear disaster. Resources are offered in Spanish and English. This page includes: Suggestions on how to protec...