Region 3 Vice-President Special Appointment
The NEHA Board of Directors will be appointing a new member to the Board to fill the vacancy of Region 3 Vice-President. This appointment will serve the remainder of the 2024 - 2027 term. Region 3 represents Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and members residing outside of the U.S. (except members of the U.S. uniformed services).
This position is required to be a professional or life NEHA member with at least 3 years of consecutive membership. Regional vice-presidents are members of the Board of Directors and Affiliate Council of NEHA.
Those interested in filling this vacancy may submit an application. The application includes:
- Personal, professional, and educational details
- Uploaded copy of resume
- Completed member signature form
- Biography - 400 words maximum
The application deadline is December 2, 2024.
Appointment Process
Per NEHA's Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws, Article XI – Elections, Section 8, D: “If a Regional Vice-President moves from his/her region, or is otherwise unable to fulfill their term, the Board shall appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of their term. Association voting members from the region in which the vacancy exists will be requested to submit candidates for the vacancy for consideration by the Board, as specified in Section 5 of this Article.”
If the NEHA Board of Directors' Governance & Nominations Committee reviews your application and determines you meet the criteria for candidacy, the board will vote on the position at the December 11, 2024, Board of Directors meeting.
The successful candidate will be appointed to serve the remainder of the 2024-2027 at the close of the December 2024 Board of Directors meeting.
More information about the election process is available at