July/August 2015
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 78, No. 1
About the Cover
The Fukushima nuclear disaster triggered by the magnitude 9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, reminded the world that nuclear power plant accidents like the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island disasters can still occur. In this feature article, “Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Man-Made Hazards, Vulnerability Factors, and Risk to Environmental Health,” the authors examined the risk of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster to environmental health and how that risk was communicated to the public. Their examination of the literature resulted in an All-Hazards Planning Reference Model that distinguishes three planning categories—disaster trigger event, human-made hazards, and vulnerability factors.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- How Clean Are Hotel Rooms? Part I: Visual Observations vs. Microbiological Contamination
- How Clean Are Hotel Rooms? Part II: Examining the Concept of Cleanliness Standards
- Prevalence, Knowledge, and Concern About Bed Bugs
Advancement of the Practice
- Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Man-Made Hazards, Vulnerability Factors, and Risk to Environmental Health
- Direct From AAS: What Is a Diplomate, and What Does It Do?
- Direct From CDC/EHSB: Equipping Environmental Health Workers With Environmental Assessment Tools
- Across the Country: What's Happening in Environmental Health
- Direct From CDC/EPHTN: A Millennial's Take on CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Network
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Career Opportunities
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
- JEH Quiz #1
- JEH Corresponding Author and Subject Index: Volume 77
Your Association
- President's Message: Imagining the New NEHA
- Special NEHA Members
- Special Listing
- Tribute to 2014–2015 JEH Peer Reviewers
- NEHA 2016 AEC
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: Outraged, Obligated, & Optimistic
Advertisers Index
- American Public University
- Conference for the Model Aquatic Health Code
- Decade Software Company
- Ozark River/Integrity Distribution
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- Underwriters Laboratories