Air Quality Webinars
Protecting Public Health from Wildland Fire Smoke Under Increasing Prescribed Fire
EPA’s Office of Research and Development conducted research on the intersection of wildfire and prescribed fire smoke, focusing on their impacts on human health. EPA developed resources and intervention strategies to help the public reduce harmful exposure to smoke from these fires. In this webinar, EPA’s Jason Sacks and Sarah Coefield presented on the agency's efforts.
WSMART – Providing Supplemental Air Quality Monitoring Technology During Wildfires
Hosted by EPA. Smoke from wildfires can quickly degrade air quality in areas downwind, causing a visible haze and health impacts. Modulated by meteorology and fire conditions, smoke impacts vary with time and location, sometimes affecting areas without any nearby air monitors. As part of a federal government response to address the growing threat of wildfires and related smoke impacts that are a public health concern in the United States, the Wildfire Smoke Air Monitoring Response Technology (WSMART) program provides supplemental air monitoring equipment to the Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program (IWFAQRP) as well as state, local, and tribal air agencies upon request. This presentation discusses the challenges of wildfire smoke monitoring, explains the WSMART technology, shows real-world examples of use, and shares future plans.
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EPA's Smoke Sense: A Citizen Science Project Using a Mobile App
EPA's Smoke Sense Project is a crowdsourcing, citizen science initiative focused on increasing public awareness and engagement related to wildfire smoke health risks. The Smoke Sense App serves as an educational tool and resource to increase awareness and encourage people to take steps to protect their health from wildfire smoke. Presenters shared the story of the Smoke Sense Project, focusing on findings related to risk communication that have informed the evolution of the project. Presenters also provide a demonstration of the app and a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
YouTube Recording
EPA's Wildfire Smoke Research, Toolbox, and Other Resources Webinar
The EPA offers a suite of wildland fire resources that can assist public health professionals with the development of health risk communications strategies to improve public health outcomes, especially among those at highest risk. These resources can be found on the EPA's Smoke Ready Toolbox for Wildland Fires page. This webinar provides an overview of these resources.
Presentation Slide Deck | PDF
YouTube Recording
Healthy Heart Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Health Webinar
This webinar provides a brief synopsis of our current understanding of air pollution's adverse health effects, describes the need for a large randomized controlled intervention study to reduce exposure, and highlights the ongoing efforts to translate, communicate and use research on the impacts of air pollution to educate health care providers and public health officials about what they can do to reduce exposures, and improve health and wellbeing among the at-risk population.
Presentation Slide Deck | PDF
YouTube Recording