What Earth Day Means to Me
Date posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Blog poster: Maddie Gustafson
NEHA has planned a social media campaign to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We want to hear from members, affiliates, staff, and all environmental health professionals and learn what Earth Day means to them. To join the discussion, post a photo of yourself or your group on social media with a message describing what Earth Day means to you. Be sure to use the hashtag #NEHAEarthDay.
"I have fond memories of the first Earth Day, 50 years ago. In fact, it changed my life. I was a freshman in college and still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Earth Day activities were happening on the San Diego State College campus (which became a university in 1972). Earth Day helped me figure out that I wanted to do something to protect health and the environment. I am still working as an Environmental Health Specialist and have never regretted my decision to help protect health and the environment. Happy 50th Birthday Earth Day!" - Larry
"Earth Day means remembering that we are here for a short time, and during that time the only footprints we should have are in sand..." - Michele
"Earth Day is a day to reflect, promote and celebrate the impact that public and environmental health professionals have made throughout the years. This day we soak up the sun, breathe in fresh air and appreciate mother nature that surrounds us." - Maddie
"For me, Earth Day means a time to reflect on the things that really matter—protecting the environment, protecting the health and safety of our communities, and taking care of ourselves and loved ones. During these unprecedented times, it is important than ever to focus on the health and well-being of not only the earth but ourselves as well. To improve my health and well-being, I am learning to plant a vegetable garden. They are beginning to sprout! Happy Earth Day, everyone!" - Robert
"To me, Earth Day is a day to reflect on what our mother does for us, its beauty, and how we need to protect it. Each and every one of us can make a difference to make our planet a better place for ourselves & future generations" - Maddie
NEHA is sensitive to the ongoing efforts and understands the necessary prioritization of COVID-19 responsibilities. We thank and support public and environmental health professionals during this much-needed time of education, response and resilience.
About the blog poster: Madelyn is currently a project coordinator at the National Environmental Health Association in Denver, Colorado.