June 2019
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 81, Number 10
About the Cover
The Journal is very pleased to feature on this month’s cover the published results from a groundbreaking initiative—Understanding the Needs, Challenges, Opportunities, Vision, and Emerging Roles in Environmental Health (UNCOVER EH). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Environmental Health Association, and Baylor University partnered on this initiative to identify and describe key governmental environmental health workforce and practice elements. The UNCOVER EH initiative provides an understanding of the environmental health profession that has been lacking. Furthermore, the results provide a source of data to inform environmental health workforce development initiatives, improve the practice, and establish uniform benchmarks and professional competencies.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Restaurant Manager Perceptions of the Food and Drug Administration's Newest Recommended Food Facility Inspection Format: Training and Words Matter
- Food Donation and Food Safety: Challenges, Current Practices, and the Road Ahead
Advancement of the Practice
- Uncovering Environmental Health: An Initial Assessment of the Profession's Health Department Workforce and Practice
- Building Capacity: Building Capacity by Maximizing the Software Demo
- Direct From CDC/EHS: Collaborative Response to Natural Disaster Events Threatening Private Well Water Quality in a New Mexico Community
- Direct From NCSL: Enacted 2018 State Environmental Health Legislation
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Career Opportunities
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
Your Association
- President's Message: Why? Is It Safe?
- NEHA Organizational Members
- Special Listing
- NEHA 2019 AEC
- NEHA News
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: Tune Into Nashville
Advertisers Index
- Accela
- American Chemistry Council
- American Public Health Association
- Custom Data Processing
- HealthSpace USA Inc
- Hedgerow Software US, Inc.
- Industrial Test Systems, Inc.
- LaMotte Company
- Meth Lab Cleanup Company
- MSU Online MS in Food Safety Program
- NSF International
- Ozark River Portable Sinks
- QuanTem Laboratories, LLC
- Salcor
- SansWrite
- Sneezeguard Solutions
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- Tyler Technologies, Inc.
- Vector Control Tools & Re