FD207 Plan Review Course
Course Overview
This free, five-day, virtual course provides a comprehensive overview of the plan review process for retail food establishments based on menu and food preparation procedures with an end goal of reducing foodborne illnesses resulting from poor facility design.
Course content includes:
- reviewing the application and menu
- reading architectural drawings
- reviewing a complete plan set
- reviewing equipment, plumbing, and physical facilities
- conducting preoperational inspections
- communicating with key players
- reviewing mobile establishments
- emphasis on equipment and architectural design
The content is divided into eight modules with exercises to support learning and solicit discussion. The course learning strategies include a blend of presentation, group discussion, group exercises, video presentation, and instructor demonstration.
This course is currently only available to retail food safety regulatory professionals employed with a government agency.
To register for the FD207 course:
- Review the course announcement
- Download and complete the registration form linked in the announcement
- Right-click on “Download”
- Choose “Save As” and save the form to your computer (desktop, file, etc)
- Open the form via its saved location
- Email the completed registration form to: ORA-OTED-Retail@fda.hhs.gov
- Fee: $0.00
Registration does not guarantee admission into the course. All applicants will be notified at a future date of their status.
Upcoming Courses
Course announcements, including information regarding prerequisites, and registration forms are included as PDFs as they become available.
- January 13 - 17, 2025
- Course Announcement | PDF
- March 17 - 21, 2025
- Course Announcement | PDF
- May 19 - 23, 2025
Additional courses may be added throughout the fiscal year. All course dates/locations are subject to change. Visit the ORA LearnED Training System regularly for official course schedules and updates.
Review required prerequisites on the course announcement at ORA LearnED Training System.
To set up a LearnED account, follow the instructions at ORA LearnED Training System.
National Retail Food Program Courses