April 2020
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 82, Number 8
About the Cover
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a man-made chemical with a variety of uses, including coatings for nonstick cookware and food packaging, waterproof fabrics, and fire-fighting foam. Exposure to PFOA is so widespread that it is present in the blood of most people. The persistence of PFOA in the environment is a concern because exposure to PFOA has been associated with adverse health outcomes. This issue’s cover article, “Public Health Assessment of and Response to Perfluorooctanoic Acid in Drinking Water, Bennington, Vermont,” highlights a state health department investigation to assess risk and address community concerns around PFOA contamination in a Vermont community. The findings provide insights for future public health responses to PFOA and other perfluoroalkyl substance contamination.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Public Health Assessment of and Response to Perfluorooctanoic Acid in Drinking Water, Bennington, Vermont
- Food Safety Policies and Procedures for Student-Led Food Events at Colleges and Universities in the United States
Advancement of the Practice
- Supporting Students and Young Professionals in Environmental and Occupational Health, Safety, Science, and Policy-Related Graduate Programs
- Building Capacity: Experimenting With Artificial Intelligence to Build Capacity
- Direct From CDC/Environmental Health Services: Report Summary: The Role of Local Environmental Health Departments in Tick-Related Activities and Services
Advancement of the Practitioner
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
Your Association
- President's Message: A Call for Diversity in Environmental Health
- Special Listing
- NEHA 2020 AEC
- NEHA News
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: MAHC Truck Delivers Results
Advertisers Index
- EMSL Analytical, Inc.
- HealthSpace USA Inc
- Inspect2GO Environmental Health Software
- Ozark River Portable Sinks
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- UL