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AEC Exhibition & Sponsorships

Sponsorship Opportunities

Our AEC & Exhibition is now in person and virtual, offering more opportunities to connect with the decision makers, influencers, and users of your products and services. The AEC is specifically designed to support the environmental health professionals and leaders who are in the field every day and who can benefit from your products and services. These professionals:

  • Inspect facilities and systems
  • Communicate directly with their communities
  • Work in government agencies (city, county, state, tribal, territorial, federal, uniformed services)
  • Work in the private sector (private companies, consulting, consumer product safety)
  • Work in academia

Each of our sponsorship options is designed to offer flexibility in levels of visibility and opportunities to connect your brand to their work. Choose a sponsorship option from our Platinum, Diamond, Gold, or Silver levels, or contact us to find the perfect sponsorship to fit your needs and budget!

Contact Us For Opportunities


Conference Dates: July 14–17, 2025

Tell & Show

Our AEC Exhibition is one of the best conferences to interact with environmental and public health professionals with dedicated opportunities and space to make connections and find leads. We provide:

  • An Exhibition Grand Opening event with no other competing events or sessions
  • A meal in the exhibit hall to encourage attendees to engage with you
  • Beverage breaks in the exhibit hall to attract conference attendees
  • Options for interactive displays and demonstrations to engage attendees